Saturday, November 2, 2019

Role of Labor in Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role of Labor in Texas - Essay Example Labor is not only composed of the citizen of a certain city or country. Labor is a mobile factor of production, which migrates from one place to another for better opportunities, adding to the productive capacity of their new society. However, there is also a downside to the migration of labor. While they may satisfy the labor needs of their new place and may also improve the quality and quantity of labor and products (by increasing competition for the existing labor), their migration may aggravate housing, sanitation, and health problems. Their presence may also give rise to tensions and riots between the locals and migrants. Agriculture is one of sectors of US economy that is highly dependent on migrant labor. This is because the native-born Americans are not attracted to this sector due to its seasonal nature and physical requirements. One of states, where this phenomenon is most evident is Texas. Migrant labor controls the agricultural sector in Texas. They fulfill the fruit and vegetable requirements of the country. Because of the latest fears about in-land safety, the American government has tightened its immigration policies. However, this may have dire consequences for agricultural sector. ... America will have to import what it previously produced, if the migrant labor is send back or the cut down. Thus, the migrant labor play an important role in American agricultural sector and their absence will be felt greatly by society, agriculture and U.S. economy. (Stallman) Cultural Imperialism: Cultural imperialism is the process of promoting and injecting culture of one country into another. This usually happens with one powerful nation injecting its culture into a less powerful nation. Dominating another country's, influencing its people, language and media for political and economic gains. United States of America has been the Super Power since the fall of Soviet Union. It is, at present, the largest economy and the biggest military power in the world. Through the chants of " globalization", it has been injecting its ideas into the less-developing countries; to promote its interests and prevent them from growing economically, militarily, culturally etc. This has been done through media, multinationals, Internet and lately in the name of " war on terrorism." Though there has been a number of organizations that are working to promote the culture and languages of less developing countries, however they have not be very effective. Secondly, one of most prominent feature of these organizations is to promote better understanding between United States and the developing countries. Thus, in a way they have been reinforcing the very phenomenon they are fighting against-Western Imperialism. By targeting "Islam", promoting it as "a terrorist's religion", by attacking Iraq and Afghanistan, by capturing endless innocent Muslims for being "Jihadis", America and the West has been trying to culturally, politically, economically and militarily suppress the

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